Maximize the visibility
of the event especially for those who cannot
be there.
Maximize the visibility
of the event especially for those who cannot be there.
Luigi gives the keys to his house
and access to his Instagram account
to a group of influencers so that they can experience and broadcast
the event in the most authentic way.
Luigi gives the keys to his house
and access to his Instagram account to a group of influencers
so that they can experience
and broadcast the event in the most authentic way.
@ChezLuigi becomes @ChezNousChezLuigi
The strategy focuses on raw, spontaneous content captured by our influencers for one night and one day. The @Lavazza account will post crafted content for 5 days, presenting the place on another angle
and showing detail on certain activities.
@ChezLuigi becomes @ChezNousChezLuigi
The strategy focuses on raw, spontaneous content captured
by our influencers for one night
and one day. The @Lavazza account will post crafted content
for 5 days, presenting the place
on another angle and showing detail on certain activities.
A few days before: the invitation
Story unboxing
To tease the event, they will share an unboxing video
on their respective accounts which will be reposted
by Chez Luigi and Lavazza.
The benvenuto kit
A kit consisting of house keys, pajamas, slippers,
a program in newspaper version, and a cup is sent
to influencers. Everything is branded Chez Nous,
Chez Luigi. One of the influencers also receives
a phone dedicated to producing content in the House.
The day before: the discovery
Story « House discovery »
Photos and videos to discover the pieces.
Photo post of the welcome kit
with the house keys, the newspaper program, pajamas, elegant slippers, cups, all branded Chez nous, chez Luigi.
The first day: waking up time
« On the spot » stories
Everyone talks about their night, their expectations
for the day…The format is free and authentic.
The first day: Luigi's portrait contest
Il ritratto di Luigi Interactive stroies:
A contest from the community to vote for the best portrait. EAch participant tries to imagine a version of Luigi.
Post of the winning portrait
crossposting with the influencer.
The first day: lunch time
Les antipasti
Influencers compose their own antipasti
and name them according to their personalities.
Carrousel Poll
People vote for their favorite antipasti,
which will be on the restaurant’s menu
for the rest of the event.
The first day: the talk
Luigi la leggenda told by…
One by one,they tell Luigi’s legend according to their own feeling and imagination. The community is asked to vote for their favorite story. Each passage is crossposted.
Prep stories
A few pictures of the talks being prepared.
Everyone is in their own corner to avoid cheating.
The first day: coffee break
Preparation and recording of talks on the theme
of « The extraordinary story of Luigi Lavazza »
in the coworking room.
Luigi la leggenda told by…
After each has ordered a different coffee,
the influencers start a live chat, put down
the phone and sit down together at a table.
They explain their coffee choices, share their coffee memories, debate each other’s drinking habits
and interact with the community.
Exemples :
My first coffee was with my father when…
Basically, I hated coffee but…
Sugar, before or after coffee?
Café au lait or café olé olé?
To drink a long coffee or to drink coffee lying down?
(french pun : café allongé ou café allongé)
The first day: apero & dinner time
Cocktail making
Interactive stories for the community
to decide on the cocktail recipe and challenge
one of the local baristas.
The meeting
Video story of the chef giving the menu title
and composition.
The chef’s menu
Carousel presentation
of each dishes.
The first day: party time
Carousel of photos
from the evening.
Some videos during the night
Soft parties: relaxed, calm videos
Hard parties: wide-angle videos
and close-ups.
The second day: the review
A carousel post with two photos: one before
and one after a good Lavazza coffee.
Video story to debrief the experience.
Sample speech:
Review of our stay here!
coffee, coffee, Luigi, coffee, coffee and… coffee.
We’ve rediscovered coffee in an atmosphere
just like home (but with a Michelin-starred chef
and lots of guests). We’re leaving,
but Chez Luigi will remain our home forever.
Stories to say goodbye to Luigi’s house. One last occasion to talk about the place and the people in it.